Coincidence or Divine Providence

I don’t believe in coincidence anymore, but I do have confidence in divine providence. God has arranged some pretty exciting situations and meetings to confirm our calling to Albania and to encourage us along the way.

For quite some time now, Brenda and I have felt called to the area of Berat in south-central Albania. Long before we knew we would be assigned there, we began to pray for the people of Berat. God put them on our hearts, so we prayed that He would put us on their hearts. We asked that He would go before us and prepare hearts in Berat to warmly receive us and that He would direct us to those people.

Brenda felt quite sure that God was directing us to find Albanians in Berat to help us immediately after our arrival. I have to admit that her plan was just a little out of my comfort zone. God knew I needed assurance that this was His plan. Just last week, God spoke to my heart through a providential haircut.

A woman from Croatia, an Adventist Frontiers subscriber, recently ran into my wife and told her about an Albanian barber. Naturally, I decided to take the opportunity to meet him. He seemed quite pleased that my family and I were moving to Albania, and he was eager to help however he could. Before my haircut was over, I discovered that his brother was going back to Albania in December to marry a woman from Berat. He refused payment for the haircut and insisted he felt obligated to arrange for people in Berat to help us find housing, show us around, help us learn the language, and generally make us feel welcome.

What are the chances of that happening just by coincidence? I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God wants us in Berat, Albania and that He is directing this project. Our part is just to stay in tune with Him, to continually seek His will.

The same day I met the barber, I also learned that we had been blessed by more monthly supporters. We hope to be in Albania by the time you read this! A big thank-you to our team of supporters and prayer warriors, and most of all, praise God!

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