Breaking the Cycle

Family feuds are common in African cultures, and they can go on for decades. Revenge is the norm, so violence can spiral into increasing brutality.

When Seraphine and Tempa began coming to church, I’m not sure if our evangelist Jean was aware that their families were enemies. But at some point Tempa confided to him that she was troubled by Seraphine’s presence at church. Seraphine’s father was a very violent man and had done a lot of harm to Tempa’s family. He had even killed someone. There was no way anyone from Tempa’s family would set foot in the house of Seraphine’s family, and vice versa.

But after a while Tempa realized that this wasn’t right. She started praying that God would help her to forget the pain from the past, overcome the bitterness and embrace Seraphine as her sister in Christ. And Jesus transformed her heart! She was able to put aside all hostility and to see Seraphine in a different light. Today the two ladies walk to church together, a visible sign to the village of the transformational power of Jesus Christ.

May this be the first of many more reconciliations in this village, and may the love of Jesus transform many more people and families!

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