Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen

“Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed” (John 20:29).

As we experience our first furlough in America, this verse has taken on a special meaning for us.

John’s message was given to an audience of whom most had never met Jesus in person, and they needed to understand that it was more valuable to believe without seeing.

We are not comparing ourselves to Jesus in any way; we simply appreciate the faith that many of our donors exercise as they support us financially and welcome us into their homes without even knowing us. It is very moving.

Although we send letters to our donors every month, we have never had the opportunity to visit America to meet our overseas missionary team. And now we are getting that chance. Many of our friends have offered us a place to stay and food to eat, have lent us their cars and shown us great love in various ways. For this demonstration of faith and Christian love, we simply praise God.

Thank you, God, for having people who may not be able to go to the other side of the world as a missionary but love the mission as if they were already there and show it through their support and prayers.

We will continue visiting churches to fundraise so we may return to the Pnong mission field to train them and enable the Pnong Adventist community to grow. Through God’s strength, we aim to have a house church in each of the 92 Pnong villages in Mondul Kiri.

We have learned from our missionary friends in America, and we want to follow their example. Although we have not seen our financial goal reached yet, we believe that we will.

What is it that you still see left undone in your life that, by your believing through faith, God will accomplish?

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