Apples of Gold

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Prov. 25:11).

Have you ever wanted to share words of life but were afraid of awkwardness, embarrassment or rejection? Believe it or not, this can happen to missionaries, too.

We recently traveled to the capital to attend the 20th anniversary of Adventist work in Albania. I was catching up with an acquaintance who happens to be a well-known member of Albania’s parliament. His wife is a member of the Adventist Church, and he knows the truth, but for some reason he had never made a decision for baptism.

We began to talk about his walk with God, and I felt impressed to ask him what was preventing him from being baptized. However, I almost lost my nerve as doubts flooded my mind because of this man’s high position. As the impression grew stronger, I asked the Lord to give me boldness to speak His words, and He did. We talked about baptism for a short time, and as we parted, I encouraged him not to put off the decision God was asking him to make. Less than an hour later, his wife’s pastor came to me in amazement and gave me the happy news that the man had decided to be baptized that very day!

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