Angel Repairman?

As Tiradate and his son Pu drove together, Pu reached over to turn on the radio. “The radio doesn’t work,” Tiradate told his son, but Pu turned the knob anyway. The dead radio came to life as Chris’ voice filled the car.

Tiradate was shocked. “Hey, wait a minute! Don’t change the station just yet,” he exclaimed. As he listened, he realized it was a Christian radio station—New Life Radio FM 88.75.

Tiradate and his family had previously attended a Sunday-keeping Christian church. Whenever he felt discouraged, his wife would encourage him and ask him to read the Bible to her. Then, whenever she felt discouraged, Tiradate would encourage and strengthen her. God was keeping the flame alive in their family as they faced the challenges of living in a Buddhist community.

Tiradate’s family began listening to our radio station regularly. While his father was sick, Tiradate would spend long hours with him listening to New Life Radio. He learned it was a Seventh-day Adventist station, and he decided to come and visit.

Before coming on their first visit, Tiradate and his wife prayed, asking the Lord to show them if this was where they should be. That day, a friend came over and told them that her friend from another province had called and told her to attend some meetings at the Adventist church. Later the same day, a Christian missionary came to their house and told them he approved of the Adventist Church. Tiradate and his wife took these two messages as God’s clear guidance, and they are now attending church regularly. Chris and our pastor have been meeting weekly with them in their home for Bible studies. Last November, Tiradate and his wife decided to follow Jesus in baptism.

Did an invisible angel repairman fix the car radio that day? I guess we won’t know for sure until heaven.

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