RING. RING! Sabbath. 7:00 a.m.
A donor from the East Coast was returning my thank-you call (I live on the West Coast). We chatted for a bit.
“I wish I could help your family further in sharing your financial needs with others,” she said.
“Well, if you could get us a speaking appointment, that would be helpful. We would be willing to fly out there.”
Speaking appointments haven’t been the easiest for my husband and me to secure, seeing as we are not in the field of ministry. I am a cosmetologist and a coach by profession and my husband works in the public health field. When we call to request a speaking appointment, it really takes speaking with someone who knows us personally. But I am encouraged in knowing that Jesus’ disciples were not men or women from the clergy. We decided to surrender this hurdle completely to the Lord, and we agreed to walk through any door He opened for us.
“Oh, yes, I would be happy to. If I could make you two appointments on back-to-back Sabbaths, could you stay for a week?” she asked.
“That would be a blessing. Ted and I will be praying about it.”
That thank-you call resulted in 10 speaking appointments in seven churches on the other side of the country. I am so thankful that this woman was willing to be used by God. He truly works in mysterious ways and rarely answers our prayers without the aid of others. God uses His messengers and servants to do His great work. How is God using you to answer someone else’s prayers?
Please join us in praying for the people of Croatia to receive Jesus into their hearts. We are in need of monthly supporters for this project. We thank you for your support in taking the gospel around the world.
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