A Thousand Villages

Reclining in his easy chair and sipping herbal tea, Joe Christian watches a televised sermon from the comfort of his living room. At the end of the broadcast, his tepid response was limited to, “Now that was inspiring!”

In contrast to this attitude, David Livingstone sat riveted, listening to the lecture by pioneer missionary Robert Moffat. “Many a morning have I stood on the porch of my house, and looking northward, have seen the smoke arise from villages that have never heard of Jesus Christ. I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages — villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world.” Livingstone responded by dedicating his life to taking the gospel to Africa.

While listening to classical music from the comfort of our lodging at the AFM training center this fall, I peruse Wikipedia and demographic websites. In 2018, the population of Surat Thani was 1,063,501, divided among 1,028 villages. There are no known Adventists in the province. Adding up all of the Catholics, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and every other flavor of Christianity together results in less than 1 percent of the population. My response is to cry out to God, overwhelmed by the number of those who do not know Christ, and to recommit myself to reaching the people of Surat Thani.

For light to shine where now is darkness and for the truth to replace falsehood requires much prayer. A sustained presence in Thailand requires monthly support. Duang and I have set January as our launching goal. We are looking for prayer partners and a few more monthly supporters. Will you join us? Or even better, will you accept the call to go as a missionary and take the gospel of salvation to an unreached people? A thousand villages are waiting.

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