A New Friend and a House

What an adventurous assignment! Ruth and I were thrilled at the opportunity of finding our own language helper during summer training. “Heavenly Father, help us find someone who can teach us Khmer,” we prayed. I typed the word, “Cambodian” into Google maps. We found the only Cambodian restaurant around, and we decided to go there. It was fun to watch the faces of the Cambodian restaurant owners light up as we asked them all about their culture. Sokha, the restaurant owners’ daughter, graciously agreed to teach us Khmer for free after our exhilarating visit. Little did we know another surprise was awaiting us at our first official lesson the following week.

After our first lesson, Sokha asked us why we wanted to live in Cambodia. “We have only one life to live, and what better way to live it than helping those less fortunate than ourselves?” I replied as I shared how we wanted to open a clinic in a particular village. Sokha looked at us in surprise and said she had never met anyone who wanted to help people like that. She asked where we would be living. “Phnom Penh for a few months, and then in a local village,” I said. Sokha’s eyes widened as she described her family of realtors who lived there. During our next lesson, we learned that a nice home in Phnom Penh at a very discounted price was awaiting us in Cambodia!

Praise be to God who is able to provide all we need in His perfect timing! We were so blessed to have spent time with Sokha and her precious family. We look forward to seeing God continue to open doors so that people previously untouched by His grace will have their hearts melted by His great love for them.

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