A Joyful Noise

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Last Sabbath here in Kangaba, our living room was buzzing with energy. At times the noise level was so great that it was hard to think. With seven children energetically playing and six adults trying to carry on conversations, there was quite a racket. But I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Every decibel reminded me of how much God was blessing us. We have had too many Sabbaths with only our family present. I was thankful for more people and the noise that comes with them.

Last Sabbath was special in another way, too, since it was our first opportunity to introduce George and Theresa Tooray to our little group of attendees. Their names might sound familiar to longtime readers of Adventist Frontiers. Originally from Sierra Leone, George and Theresa have worked for many years supporting AFM’s Susu Project in Guinea. Neil and I worked with the Toorays during our time with the Susu Project, and we have always been grateful for their friendship. God has blessed them with very nurturing, caring personalities and has put them in situations where they have gained valuable cross-cultural experience.

Why was it important for our little group to meet George and Theresa? In short, the answer is because our family will soon be leaving Mali. After much prayer for direction, about two months ago Neil and I came to the decision that it would be best for our family to return to the States permanently. However, we and the AFM leadership wanted the work in Kangaba to be able to continue. That is where George and Theresa enter the picture. AFM’s leadership extended the invitation to them to come and take over the Malinke Project, and we are so glad that they accepted the invitation. We know that God has gifted them with abilities that will help them, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to move the work here in Kangaba to a higher level.

We know that God is blessing in Kangaba, and we ask for your prayers and support as the Toorays take over the leadership of the Malinke Project. We want Sabbaths here to be noisier and noisier!

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