A Generation That Does Not Know Christ

In Judges 2:10, we find one of the most heartbreaking verses in Scripture: “Another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.” Despite all that God had done to lead His people into the Promised Land, a generation emerged disconnected from Him. It’s a sobering reminder that faith, if not intentionally nurtured and passed down, can fade within a single generation. This is not merely an ancient story; it is a warning that speaks directly to us today. 

Take Japan, for instance. In the 16th century, Portuguese missionaries brought the gospel to its shores, sparking a remarkable movement. Many came to faith in Christ. Yet, centuries of persecution and isolation suppressed this spiritual awakening, leaving only a miraculous remnant as a testament to God’s enduring protection. 

Today, less than one percent of Japan’s population identifies as Christian. The nation has become highly secularised, with deep cultural roots in Buddhism and Shintoism. For the vast majority of Japanese people, the gospel remains an unfamiliar story.

Nonetheless, we have a unique opportunity to change this narrative. Together, we can help raise a generation that knows the Lord—a generation that is intimate with their Creator and appreciates the unimaginable sacrifice He made so that they could have life and have it more abundantly. 

This mission is urgent, and I cannot accomplish it alone. Let us not allow another generation to grow up without the hope and life that only Christ can offer. To know Christ is to know eternal life. Will you join me in this calling? Together, we can ensure that the next generation in Japan comes to know the Lord and experience the wonders of His love.

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