Mduduzi Ngcoba

AFM-SAT Short-Term Missionary for 2024 serving the Kono of Sierra Leone Project

To donate internationally to the USA office, use the following giving options:

PAYPAL — Go to PayPal Giving Fund (charitable giving) and search for Adventist Frontier Missions Inc.
Or select this Direct Link.

CASH APP — Use the following $cashtag: $AFMdonations The maximum donation is $1,000/day.

ZELLE — Use the following email address:
The maximum donation is $1,000/day.

INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARD — Make a credit card donation through AFM’s website. If you have an international credit card, select “Give” or “Give to This Project” on the appropriate page for the mission project to which you wish to donate. When you fill out the credit card information in your gift basket, select “Country Name” from the country drop-down list.

If you have specific questions, contact Cavelle Regis.

INTERNATIONAL CHECK – If you prefer to donate by check internationally, U.S. banks require a minimum amount equivalent to $300 U.S. dollars.

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