Hi, my name is Hanna. I grew up as a missionary kid in Uganda and have always had it in the back of my mind that I wanted to be a missionary.
When I grew older, I did not know what career path to take, so I visited some missionaries in Chad and saw medical missionary work in action. I fell in love with the work. Helping people heal really appealed to me, so I studied to become a nurse.
Over time and the focus on life, education and work, I felt that I had become a sleepy Christian, lukewarm, and not living up to the purpose God has given to us in sharing the gospel. What did it matter that I, as a nurse, could help people physically heal if I could not help them spiritually heal, saving their souls for eternity? So I quit my job and went to a mission school, which changed my life.
I now have a strong commitment in life to share God’s love. Being sent by God to Palawan is a privilege. Much prayer is needed to strengthen me on this path, give me wisdom on how best to serve and medically treat the Palawano people in the remote jungle, and share Christ in a place where the spiritual battle is very real.
You may donate to this missionary by visiting the AFM-Europe website.
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