Pastor Kent and Leonda George have been serving as missionaries in the Philippines since 1995. Kent, a graduate of Pacific Union College and Andrews University Seminary, pastored in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists before joining Adventist Frontier Missions as a church planter. Leonda, also a graduate of Pacific Union College has worked side by side with her husband establishing indigenous churches and schools mostly in the interior of southern Palawan.
Kent has a passion for mission aviation and is skilled in construction and mechanics. Also a great story-teller, he has, through his example, influenced and helped to develop many indigenous preachers. Leonda, with a passion for medical ministry and education and has been instrumental in establishing a jungle clinic/hospital and opening 5 elementary schools and a secondary school, as well as a remote clinic. She and her team continue to train indigenous health workers and teachers. She has collaborated with her daughter Gielyn George, a native speaker, in translating a number of books and other materials for use in school and churches, as well as a songbook for use in their churches. Bible translation and editing continues.
Kent and Leonda are the proud parents of 7 children/foster children and have 14 grandchildren that bring them great joy.
Please pray that Abew will make a full commitment and be released from Satan’s grasp. Pray that Mitil will have courage to continue following Christ and fellowshipping with His church.
Leonda George
August 01 2019, 10:03 am | Comments 0
She was no longer completely unconscious, and she was still breathing on her own, but the doctors insisted she couldn’t go in the ambulance without being intubated.
Leonda George
July 01 2019, 8:23 am | Comments 0
Indeed, God’s Word is Life—not only to the hearer, but also to the speaker, for He instructs me while I teach these dear friends. What a privilege to serve such an awesome God!
Leonda George
May 01 2019, 4:35 pm | Comments 0
I was a prisoner before I understood that true freedom only comes through willingly surrendering my life to Christ.
Leonda George
March 01 2019, 2:18 pm | Comments 0
Living remotely with limited resources brings many challenges.
Leonda George
January 01 2019, 9:17 am | Comments 0