Joshua Lewis

Short-term Missionary from 2010-2013, serving the Great River People of Southeast Asia.

Frontier Stories


Yah showed up at my house recently holding a crinkled picture of the Kiwi family close to his heart. He said he missed Philip so much that he had come all the way from his farm way up in the hills to ask me for Philip’s number and see if I had any news about the family.

By: Joshua Hooker
June 01 2012, 9:54 am | Comments 0

The Miracle of Joshua

Have you been part of the miracle of sending an SM or STM to the field? If not, it’s not too late!

By: Bryce & Abigail Adams
April 01 2012, 8:10 am | Comments 0

Learner Missionary

The term student missionary implies taking time off from your own education and goals to spend a year serving God before you finish college. But that doesn’t begin to describe what actually takes place.

By: Joshua Lewis
April 01 2012, 6:37 am | Comments 1

My Kids

It’‘s good to know I‘’ll always have friends. I hope I can love them as much as they love me.

By: Joshua Lewis
March 01 2012, 5:47 am | Comments 0

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