Sara Ferguson

Career missionary, 2018-2024, to the Tai-Kadai of Southeast Asia.

The very word “Missionary” stirred my heart as a child. Listening to Eric B Hare’s stories, and reading accounts by countless other missionaries were life-changing. Very early I decided to be a missionary doctor when I grew up. But life didn’t go as planned, and my dreams of overseas mission service slowly faded. Still a missionary at heart, I viewed my work, wherever it was, as my mission field. As a supporter of front line missionaries, I looked forward to reading about “my missionaries” in each month’s AFM magazine. The day before Thanksgiving 2017, I accepted a call to move from support team member to front line missions. Thank you for partnering with me as I make plans to share Jesus’ love with the Tai-Kadai.

Frontier Stories


I don’t know what the future holds for Bane. But of this I am sure: there are no chance encounters. God’s hand was directing my steps on that shopping trip.

By: Sara Ferguson
August 01 2019, 10:44 am | Comments 0

Home at Last

It is He who directs our steps. I look forward to seeing how He will use these special connections in the future.

By: Sara Ferguson
July 01 2019, 8:53 am | Comments 0

Poke Your Head through This Hole

When God gives us a task, He also gives us all we need to get that job done. Always. Even in Southeast Asia, where things often feel overwhelmingly difficult to this new missionary.

By: Sara Ferguson
May 01 2019, 4:20 pm | Comments 0

Morning Market Adventure

Thank you for your prayers and financial support as our team mingles with these precious people, lifting Jesus high so that the Sonlight of His love can show the way.

By: Sara Ferguson
April 01 2019, 9:16 am | Comments 0

“D” Stands for Departure

I fell asleep that night in awe of the Father’s love, care and protection. Knowing my trepidation, God had bracketed my travel with human angels of mercy.

By: Sara Ferguson
March 01 2019, 3:21 pm | Comments 0

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