The Friendship Makers

Image for The Friendship Makers

Do you like making friends? If so, know that this is one of the things that missionaries do most. In AFM training, one of our teachers told us, “Your goal in the first year is to make friendships.”

I had the joy of making some good friends during my time in Palawan. I remember that in the first few months, I didn’t understand anything from the conversations in Palawano. How difficult it was to visit natives and not be able to communicate. How painful it was to not be able to express myself and also not understand what others were saying.

But God, in His mercy, allowed me little by little to assimilate the Palawan language. Today, I am still far from being fluent. However, how much joy I now have going to the homes of natives and sometimes laughing with them because I understand the joke.

The Palawanos love to have fun with funny stories, and I also love to laugh. However, when learning a new language, these fun moments might take a little longer to occur because both sides need at least a minimal understanding of each other.

During my first months on the project, I met Mindan, a Palawano. She was always very kind and playful, and her love language is definitely giving gifts. We developed a wonderful friendship, with one day in particular leaving a marked impression on me.

I had been in the field for about a year and decided to visit her. On that day, to the honor and glory of God, I was able to understand most of what she said, and I also managed to express what I wanted to say. But the best moment of the visit was when, for the first time in Palawan, I started laughing so hard at something she was telling me in Palawano. And the more she talked, the more I laughed because I understood what she was saying. I measure my amusement by how many tears I shed from laughing so hard. And that day I really had fun because my eyes were like water sprinklers!

I feel like I will never forget moments like this. I’m very grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to experience them, and I am fully convinced that God will use friendships like this to work in me, through me, and despite me.

Consider the joy you, too, can have experiencing cross-cultural friends as a student or short-term missionary.
