Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Prayer Walking and Holy Boldness!

Prayer Walking and Holy Boldness!

When they are on their walks, they offer prayer to everyone around them while looking for those ready to hear more.

Claudette Aleman
October 1st, 2023

Image for Stillborn


“Jesus,” I prayed, kneeling on the damp ground. “I have given my life to You, and I trust You. If it is Your will, please bring our child back to life.”

John Holbrook
October 1st, 2023

Image for The Space Between

The Space Between

Within that split second between what happens to us and how we react, there exists a precious moment when we possess the incredible capacity to exercise choice.

Brenda Mays
October 1st, 2023

Image for Europe—The Land That Used to Send Missionaries

Europe—The Land That Used to Send Missionaries

I invite you to join us in this great adventure that God is leading. Pray for and with us. Support us. Rejoice with us!

Diana Vasile
October 1st, 2023

Image for Inside the Digital Iconostasis

Inside the Digital Iconostasis

Lord, what should I do to share the gospel on social media with Greek Orthodox people?

Lina Martinson
October 1st, 2023

Image for Against All Odds

Against All Odds

Satan strikes very hard and visibly here in Mozambique. Please pray for Mabil. We need a place in that region where we can build a church so these new brothers and sisters can congregate

Geovan & Daniele Machú
October 1st, 2023

Image for Translation Ministry

Translation Ministry

God may or may not give you the gift of tongues, but if you earnestly seek Him and cooperate with His leading, He will equip you with the skills needed for the work to which He calls you—a work for this time, before the night cometh when no one can work.

Brian Wilson
September 14th, 2023

Image for He Still Provides

He Still Provides

He has a plan here, and we are a part of it. He knew what we needed so long before we did. He was working on this even while we were losing hope.

Anne Troy
September 1st, 2023

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