Work for Another Agency or On Your Own?
You are welcome to join our missionary candidates for AFM’s summer training.
One of AFM’s core values is team work. We understand that the only way we can accomplish the grand vision of taking the gospel to the whole world in our generation is to work with everyone that is on God’s team. This includes people who are serving with other agencies or are serving on their own, without the support of an organization. We are delighted that you are interested in AFM training and will do all in our power to train and equip you for your calling.
AFM offers training for short-term and long-term missionaries and we invite you to take a look at what is offered. Once you have decided which training option best meets your need we invite you to register for AFM training online. You will have a little paperwork to fill out and the Human Resource committee will need to approve your application.
If you are serving through another agency and they will be paying for your training it will be well for you to have the appropriate individual contact us so that we can discuss payment options and your training needs.
Register for AFM four week Short Term Missionary Training.
Register for AFM’s twelve week Career Missionary Training.
We look forward to sharing the journey with you.