Frontier Missions Journal

Choose a story below to listen to missionaries retell their stories from the mission field.

E199: Our Pet Wallaby by Midori Sliger // Our Neighbor Apoma by Jason Sliger

E198: Suzanne and the Snakebite by Ali Brooks

E195: The Dead Man by Jonathon Nicholaides

E194: Robbed! by Edie Hicks

E193: Baptized on a Church Pew by David Hicks // Accidentally Baptized by Edia Hicks // From Pig Lover to Bible Worker by David Hicks

E192: Cling to Jesus by Veronica Nicholaides

E191: The Well // The Final Test by Michael Babienco

E190: Humanity’s Only Hope // Preaching Changes Lives by Dr. Conrad Vine
