Frontier Missions Journal

Choose a story below to listen to missionaries retell their stories from the mission field.

E42: “What You Have Done to the Least of These?” by Paul Massey // A New Birth by Paul Massey

E41: God Speaks Himba, Part 2 by James Arkusinski

E40: God Speaks Himba, Part 1 by James Arkusinski

E39: Things That Should Not Happen to Missionaries by Conrad Vine

E38: Kak by Daniel Greenfield // Falling Away by Daniel Greenfield // Home Church by Daniel Greenfield

E37: Reflections by Ali Nassar // Onur and Alp by Ali Nassar // He Is Faithful by Ali Nassar

E36: The Serpent’s Sting but Jesus Saves by John Baxter // Jesus Raises the Dead by John Baxter

E35: Kak by Daniel Greenfield // Falling Away by Daniel Greenfield // Home Church by Daniel Greenfield
