A Mystery

A Mystery
By Andy Murphy

Why you would want my heart is a mystery to me.
It’s full of deceit, distrust and addictions.
I’ve failed too many times to count,
I’ve lost myself in pride
How could you still want me?

But you pass before me,
Slow to anger, abounding in love.

Why you would want my life is a mystery to me.
I’ve wasted so much time on myself.
I haven’t learned what I should,
I haven’t sought your face.
Why would you still want me?

But you pass before me,
Slow to anger, abounding in love.

Why you’d want human beings is a mystery to me.
We’ve fallen very far from Eden.
We’ve marred the image of God in us
With violence, lies, and lust.
How could you still want us?

But you pass before us
Slow to anger, abounding in love.

Why you’d still want your church is a mystery to me.
It’s full of lukewarm, powerless Christians.
We’ve failed to listen to your voice,
We haven’t shown your grace.
How could you still want us?

When Moses asked for favor on the mountain
He said, “Show me your ways, show me your glory.”
You could have talked about your limitless power to create.
You could have spoken with more wisdom than any earthly sage.
You could have talked about beauty and brightness and diamonds, gold, and fire.
But instead you chose to proclaim your name.

You passed before him
Slow to anger, abounding in love
Merciful, faithful, full of grace, and you
are still not lacking in justice.

How you could be like that is a mystery to me.
It gives me hope for humans, your church, and me.
You want us as sons and daughters again,
You shower us with love.
So I choose to accept it.

© 2017
