You’re All Set

Partnering with God in reaching an unreached people group is not for the faint of heart. When Satan has bound a people group in darkness for centuries, he does not give them up without a fight. That’s why missions is warfare, and the unreached areas of earth are the front lines! To be successful in this fight we need to have faith. So, unsurprisingly, God has been teaching our family faith lately.

The enormity of leaving a secure job, comfortable house, family and friends hit me not long after we arrived in the States and discovered we had been denied health insurance. Yikes! “God, what are we going to do?” I gasped.

After I hyperventilated on the phone, the customer-service lady did some further research and encouraged me that they were reviewing our application a second time and would let me know.

“Well, I guess all we can do is continue to trust God,” I replied, feeling hypocritical that this was the last thing I felt like doing.

Just as I was about to hang up, she said, “Wait! Wow! I’ve never seen this before. On my screen it says you have just been approved! You’re all set!”

Why is it often so easy to fret and so hard to believe? Friend, God really does have everything covered. And He’s big enough to cover you, too!

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