Where Are You Going?

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“Where are you from?”

The dreaded question launched me into a spiral of thoughts. After returning from serving with my family in the mission field of Cambodia, it seemed as if everyone had to ask!

This strange country that I now found myself in, the U.S., was supposed to be my homeland, but instead, I felt as if I had stepped into a foreign land. God had led our family to the mission field when I was nine, but now, 10 years later, I had just returned from Cambodia. Because of my international upbringing, the simple question, “Where are you from?” created huge conflicts in my brain. I found myself questioning, Where am I from? Who am I? and Where do I belong?

After living in a different country, my view of the world had changed, but it seemed as though others’ views had not. I was different, and I knew it, and God knew it. But God has a different question for us, and He knew what would be best for me when He led my parents to the mission field. After being back in America for just a few weeks, I told my parents, “Thank you for taking me to the mission field, or I would probably not be in the church today.”

For God, the question is not “Where are you from?” but “Where are you going?” I realize my view of life is very limited, but God can see everything. If we follow Him, He will lead us to where we need to go.

So, where am I from?

“Well, my nationality is American. But it matters more where I am going than where I am from, and I’m headed to heaven. I’m a child of the King of kings, and I belong in His kingdom!”

Where are you going?

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