When the Wind Blows

“Daddy, look at the windmill!” Alex exclaimed. “See, it makes the wind blow.” I chuckled at his perception that the windmill created wind instead of being turned by it.

As we continued our trip through the vivid fall colors of northern Maine, I contemplated his comment. How often do we, like Alex, confuse cause and effect? We start thinking that God treats us with love and mercy because of all the good things we do. Sometimes in our support raising it is tempting to think that God is blessing because of all our hard work, not that our efforts are possible because of His blessing.

Recently, another of my children remarked, “Daddy, there is no wind because there are no leaves on the trees.” In other words, since there were no leaves to flutter in the wind, there must be no wind.

Again, we often have the same misperception: if we can’t see what God is doing, He must not be doing anything. When we are working with people and looking for signs of spiritual progress, the effects of the Holy Spirit on hearts are not always visible immediately. However, He is surely working.

During the past few months as we have been raising support and preparing to launch, the devil has occasionally tempted us to think backwards. Sometimes it seemed like the Holy Spirit wasn’t inspiring people to join our support team. However, although we have misinterpreted His work at times, God continues to bless. His timing is perfect. Hopefully, by the time you read this, we will be in Cambodia because of what the Lord has done through you. Praise God for all
who are actively supporting the spread of the Gospel. We are thankful that, with God, things are often much better then they appear.

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