What Are Their Needs?

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“I’m hungry. Will you give me some money to get some food?” Here’s another one. “Will you give me money so that I may buy food for my starving children?” These are questions I have been asked time and again. How do you respond in a situation like this? This is something that every person has to wrestle with and come to a conclusion about with God.

When Erin and I were out and about, we always had food with us to hand to people when they asked for money to buy food. Some people would turn away the food and say they needed money to buy it. We could tell that they wanted money for other things.

We know everyone needs food to survive. How do we help people understand that food and clothing are automatic needs, but Jesus wants to fulfill their needs that extend far beyond this temporal life?

Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” In Matthew 6, we read that we are not to worry about our food, clothes or even our lives because God knows we need these things. So if God is going to supply these needs in some way, what might the “needs” be that we read about in Philippians?

What I read Jesus telling us is that I, you and the rest of the world need a daily experience with the Redeemer of humanity. Do we personally understand that the “needs” of this life will perish, but the need for a daily personal relationship with Jesus Christ will be ongoing throughout eternity?

If we can understand this, we can better understand others when ministering to their needs. When we give clothes, food or even our money to help someone else, we should think much deeper about this than just giving a handout to someone. Jesus says that whatever we have done for someone else, we have done it unto Him. When we do these things, we should be purposeful with the knowledge that these times could be opportunities to share the love of Christ with others.

I recently met a man who was on the side of the road asking for money. I went into a store and bought some food and a drink to take to him. As I walked out to him amid the traffic, he just stared at me as if wondering what I was doing. When I gave him the food and drink, he began to tell me his name and which bridge he lived under. After talking for a little while, I said I needed to go, but I asked if I could pray for him. With a few small tears in his eyes, he said yes, and there, on the side of the road, I prayed for him. During this entire experience, he never once told me he needed to get back to begging for money. He ate his food and stood there having a conversation with the one who brought him a meal.

Jesus understands the needs of this world. He also understands that people are seeking something far deeper than money, food or clothing. People are looking for someone who cares about them and understands they are just as valuable as anyone else. Whatever you may be going through right now, please remember that Jesus is truly supplying all of your needs and, in return, is giving each of us the opportunity to do the same for others. Let’s take the time to let Jesus point others to Him through us.

As I continue in this calling that God has given me, I want to thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. Because of you, I have the opportunity to connect with people on the side of the road and in the airport as I travel to my various projects to encourage and mentor those who are continuing each day on the front lines in the battle for winning souls for Christ. May God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace.

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