Walking Through God’s Open Doors

Can God really be calling us to another AFM project so soon?

Only one year ago, we landed in Southeast Asia anticipating an open door to work among the Great River people. We prayed, worked, prodded at potential openings, and prayed some more, all with this plan in mind. Many times we wondered why all of our attempts to relocate to a Great River village were frustrated.

Though God temporarily led us back to the banks of the Great River, it seems His ultimate plan was to raise our sights higher (literally) to the highlands of Cambodia. In December 2017, we followed that call, and now we write this article from Mondolkiri province some 2,400 feet above sea level amid grassy hills that stretch to the horizon in one direction and deep jungle forests in the other. God has made it miraculously clear to us that He wants us here. Our AFM leadership has confirmed that call and asked us to transition to the Pnong Project and serve along with the Greenfield and Clay families.

Here is the chain of events that brought us to this point:

1. Several years ago, God gave Molly a dream about planting churches among this people group. It was so vivid that she still remembers every detail. Since that time, she has felt deeply convicted that God would bring us here in His time.

2. About two months ago, out of the blue, we received an email from a supporter with the following quote from the Sabbath School quarterly: “The great missionary to the Gentiles felt constantly impelled to take the gospel to new areas . . .” He then added “If there were a message from this, I guess it would be to keep looking ahead, and do not be afraid to let those who have been raised up continue with the cultivation.”

3. The Greenfield family working among the Pnong recently told us that ever since they heard we were returning to foreign missions, they felt God was calling us to help them.

4. A young couple planning to work with the Pnong were reassigned to the Great River Project. They rejoiced with tears as they saw God’s hand leading them.

5. Greg prayed for an unmistakable sign that God was transitioning us to the Pnong Project. Two days later, our landlord called and told Greg that he was selling our house, and we needed to move.

6. Lastly, a student missionary helping the Church family with medical work among the Great River people offered to help us with the English classes Greg is teaching. She had no idea about our upcoming transition, but her offer removed our last obstacle to going.

Thank you, God, for so clearly showing us the way!

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