True Hope

Why did we choose the pseudonym Hope? In our secular world, hope is often belittled. Hope is what you have if you don’t have any other resources. If you are totally depleted, you hang onto hope.

As believers, our total depletion is God’s strength, and therein is our hope! Because the Word of God is alive, our hope isn’t a slender thread, it is a bridge to the vast resources of God. What do we hope for Turkey?

We are hoping to begin a literature work. There is no Adventist publisher here, no colporteurs, and no Turkish Adventist internet presence. God, will You use us to train a man or woman to begin a literature work?

We are hoping to spark an education work. There are no Adventist schools here, (no Adventist’s to fill any schools). God, will You use us to win a man or woman to Jesus who has a vision for education? Lord, give us a Turkish Prescott or Sutherland.

We are hoping for a health work to begin in Turkey. There are no Adventist health institutes, not even an Adventist doctor. Thirty percent of the nation smokes. God, will You bring us Turkish people who will become health evangelists?

We are hoping for a youth work to begin. Fifty percent of Turkey’s 70 million people are under the age of eighteen! God, will You send us people interested in training youth for the kingdom?

We are hoping for a media work to be started. No Adventist TV or radio . . . yet. The devil owns all 24 hours on all channels. God, open the airwaves to us. Lead us to the next Paul, a Turkish H.M.S. Richards. Give us the funds and opportunities.

We are hoping for an advent movement of faith, prayer, and power to begin in Turkey.

Because of God’s grace, true hope does change lives. Hope moved us across the ocean. Some pledged their money and prayers. How will you muster your hopes for the Turks? Could you fulfill one of the hopes mentioned above?

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