Time For Daniel Prayer

“It’s time for Daniel Prayer!” my five-year-old son Jaden happily announced to everyone in the house.

Shortly after returning from furlough, we began praying as a family three times a day, like Daniel. We’ve been praying for the Holy Spirit to fill us and remove anything that is keeping us from a full relationship with Jesus. We surrender every area He reveals to us and claim His promises to help us become more like Him and truly abide in Him. We have been praying for wisdom in ministry and for God’s leading in reaching people for Him, as well as for specific people.

We have been seeing attitude changes in our lives and new cooperation between our kids. We have gained fresh understanding of Bible passages that had previously been confusing and a new sense of the unity Christ desires to share with us that He shares with His Father. Our worship group is growing. Simple hydrotherapy treatments have shown miraculously quick results. Most of all, we have a new and deeper sense of God’s leading in our team.

We are living at the end of our time of captivity here on earth. Just as Daniel earnestly sought the Lord in prayer on behalf of His people, it is time for us to do the same. We are so close to our release! Let us daily seek God, claiming His wonderful promises and offering our lives in fully submitted service to Him. He may not be asking you to cross an ocean, but I know He has a special plan for you that will help bring us all closer to His return. Please join us. It’s time for Daniel prayer!

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