The Wall

Henry is a student at our school. His family came to Cambodia from another Asian country to tell people here about God’s love for them. Henry and his younger brother enrolled with us for summer school to see if they wanted to enroll full time. Though they didn’t understand much English or Khmer, they seemed to do okay at first. But when the regular school year began, Henry started having trouble. When other students would start laughing, he would think they were mocking him, so he would get mad and lash out. His behavior got worse and worse. It was like a wall had gone up, and there didn’t seem to be any reasoning with him. Every week he would have one or more angry outbursts until one day he beat up a little boy quite badly. We had to ask him to stay home for a few days until the school committee could decide what to do.

Knowing how hard it was for Henry, the school committee made a plan to give him one more chance. When the family came to talk about it, they shared what had happened during the time Henry had stayed home. During their Friday evening worship time, they had been praying about what to do. Should they send Henry back to school, or should they pull him out? Then God showed Henry a vision. Henry saw the school with a big wall that God had put around it. He saw Satan trying to shoot things at it with a giant slingshot. He said the school shook, but it stood firm because God wouldn’t let Satan make it fall. God showed Henry that he should go to the school and help it stand.

God spoke to Henry in a way that was very meaningful to him. Since that time, Henry has been back in class with no more trouble. God used this experience not only to encourage Henry to be kind to his classmates but also to encourage our school staff when we were facing some difficulties. We praise God for His protection and for giving just the right encouragement at a time we really needed it.

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