The Spirit of Johathan

Burak has been an Adventist for six years. He is one of only about 15 Turkish Adventists living in Turkey. He has the spirit of Jonathan, David’s faithful friend, who took on the Philistines single-handedly with his armor bearer.

Burak came to the faith miraculously through a radio program. At a point in his life when he had bottomed out, he found a Protestant radio station. At that time, Adventists were buying half an hour of airtime each day and reading Patriarchs and Prophets. Burak listened to the station for 12 hours straight once, pen in hand, hoping to write down a phone number. Strangely, none was given. Finally, during hour 13, our simple program was aired. It concluded with the only phone number given on-air all day. Burak says, “Had I heard another number, I may have followed a different road.” God surely directed. Bible studies followed, and Burak gave his heart and his life wholly to Jesus.

Burak grew up a dedicated Muslim in a broken and abusive home. When he was in a Koran school as a boy, the teacher once beat him so badly for bringing a Turkish Koran to class instead of an Arabic one that he was bedridden for a week.

In his teens, Burak became a communist. During this time, he learned the value and the trade of publishing. “As a communist, I discovered that the printed page has power. Now, as a believer, I know the printed word of God has both power and life!”

Burak, I believe, will be the James White of Turkey. He is smart, a hard worker, and dedicated to our message. “Books, tracts, and web pages in Turkish that appeal to Turkish thought must be coordinated and published because Jesus’ coming is soon, and our population is in the dark,” says Burak.

Friends, Burak is in serious need of some dental work. His teeth and gums hurt. I believe Burak would be an even more effective worker for Christ if his mouth was in better condition. Please, if there is someone reading this—maybe a dentist—who could help, your assistance could greatly multiply Burak’s powerful witness. Please email

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