The Spirit at Work

We looked up our landlord’s driveway, hoping to see their white truck. There it was! Our mission was simple: Ask them to put the government-required app on their phone that registers us as being their tenants and living in the country. The Cambodian government has updated the registration process from paper to digital, and we were trying to comply. As we drove in and parked behind their truck, the landlady greeted us with warm chatter, inviting us to sit down for a visit.

This Buddhist family comes from a well-to-do background and are well educated. When we moved into one of their rental houses three years ago, we told them about our project school, and they enrolled their daughter, who is doing very well both academically and socially. We have developed a warm working relationship with their family and enjoy our occasional visits.

On this visit, we chatted amiably about their recent trip to Phnom Penh, their rental business, and all the people who are scared of catching COVID-19, herself included. This steered the conversation into the topic of health.

“When our daughter was little, she had a lot of health problems,” our landlady confided. “She had to go to the hospital a lot, and sometimes she could hardly breathe. But since she has been attending your Christian school, her health has been much better. She has been so much better that I want her to become a Christian, but my mother said we should wait a little while.” She continued to share how the vegetarian diet of our school cafeteria seems to be providing a big health benefit to her daughter and how she would like to learn to cook vegetarian dishes. The conversation continued on to other topics, but our hearts were struck by this glimpse into how the Holy Spirit was at work in this family.

Please pray that we will have wisdom as we nurture their growing interest, and that the Holy Spirit will continue working in their hearts.

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