The Milk of the Word

There’s something about babies—especially our own—that inspires thoughts of our relationship to God and His love for us.
Jaden, our youngest, born June 25, has a sweet personality. He is very laid back, sleeps well at night and seldom cries. His birth was nearly perfect. However, he has brought some challenges. He tends to be a lazy nurser. Often he will drink an ounce or two, feel the nice warm milk in his tummy, relax and fall asleep. Then we have to supplement him from a dropper.

It reminds me of Paul’s reference to the milk of the word. How often do we get just a taste of the Gospel and stop to relax. “Isn’t this wonderful!” we think, not realizing we need to be searching and devouring the scriptures daily to grow in Christ and gain a better understanding of God’s character.

As we begin reaching the Great River People with the Gospel, we will have to be patient, sometimes taking time to “dropper feed” them, even when we may feel they should be learning and growing faster. God has created all of us to be individuals, and He treats each one of us in a unique manner, meeting us where we are.

Please pray for us as God prepares us through our daily life experiences to reach the Great River People.

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