The Great Need

“Lord, could I win the lottery, please?”

I was on furlough and driving across the country. I had just passed a billboard with about six times more square footage than my hut back home. The sign tempted passersby with the chance to win over $10 million.

Instantly I was a kid again and started dreaming of all the things I could do with $10 million. “Lord, of course I would never buy a lottery ticket,” I said. “But it would be simple for You to give me that much money. Why don’t You? Think of all the good I could do for Your kingdom!”

The answer came back in a silent whisper. “Tell me: what exactly would you do with that much money that would count for eternity?”

“Well, Lord . . . hmm. I guess the only assets I can take into eternity are people. Hmmm. No, a washing machine wouldn’t save souls. A comfortable house in the lowlands where I could rest would improve my health, but it wouldn’t save anyone. I guess the only way I could use the money to directly save souls would be to sponsor missionaries. This is the primary way that many Christians can participate in the work, and it is vitally important. But is that my calling? The talent You gave me is the ability to go as a missionary. Besides, no amount of money would convince true Christians to go. A genuine Christian goes at the Lord’s command, money or no money. Lord, I guess You most need me in your work.”

“And that, son, is why I didn’t tell you to pray for money, but to, ‘Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest’” (Matt. 9:38).


Amen!  Thanks for sharing!  Praying with you!

By Jay N Helene Thomas on October 23 2016, 6:10 am

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