Thailand on the Horizon

It is hard to believe that in several months Thailand will be our new home! After planning for so long to go to Ireland and praying for the mission there, my family and I adjusted quickly and embraced our new post when the door to Ireland was closed due to visa restrictions. I know that God is in control. Nothing comes as a surprise to Him, and knowing this brings peace to my soul. Now I’m quickly falling in love with the mission in Thailand and the people there. I can’t wait to meet our neighbors, friends and colleagues. I know God has been working in a mighty way in Thailand, and I can’t wait for us to join in the work.

But before we get to Thailand we have to finish our summer training. We are starting our third week, and we have already learned so much. AFM offers excellent training, and their attention to detail is exceptional. I feel that by the time we are done we will be ready for the expected and the unexpected (which only God knows and will give us the necessary wisdom and endurance). We also have an enormous amount of unlearning to do. What works here will not always work there. We need to follow the model of Jesus who came as Emanuel: “God with us.”

Thailand is 95 percent Buddhist and 1 percent Christian. Thais are non-confrontational and value respect and self-control. Keeping this in mind, we are open to seeing how God will lead in the work He is already doing there. We pray that our eyes and ears will be open to see and hear people the way Jesus did. Our goal is to learn the Thai culture and understand their way of life so that when we share the gospel we can be relevant and bring them face to face with their loving Savior.

Join us in making a difference in the lives of Thai people by praying for the project and helping us finish our monthly financial goal.

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