Suiting Up

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Arriving in Michigan for field director meetings and being met by heaps of snow reminded me of our previous winter in Alaska with our twin grandchildren. Have you ever gone outdoors in a near-arctic winter with two two-year-olds? To get everyone bundled up takes a lot of work.

The procedure starts with one twin. Layer one—dry undies (whoops, need a new diaper), warm shirt, leggings or warm pants and thick socks (one of which always disappears). Then the outer layer—snow pants, jacket, boots (hold it, that’s the wrong foot), hat, mittens, mitten covers. (Whoops, the thumb seems to have missed its hole.) Whew! Now repeat with the other twin.

Okay. Two children ready to go outside. Now boots for all four of the dog’s paws, and leash and treats. Is the blanket already in the sled? Now your own snow pants, boots, jacket, hat, scarf and mittens. All right, out the door we go!

This process is a lot like preparing for life as a representative of Christ. There is the inner preparation we must do, and the outer preparation we must allow the Spirit to do in us. Patience!

The essential inner layer requires that we be comfortable with our identity in Christ, warmed by His love and willing to serve Him. Our feet must be committed to going where He leads.

Then we need the Spirit’s presence in us to develop the armor necessary to do spiritual battle. Our head must be protected with the surety of salvation in Christ; our mind must be wrapped in thorough knowledge and application of God’s word. We need our jacket of right choices through His wisdom. Our boots must be the Gospel of peace. We must carry an extra blanket of protection to smother the devil’s attempts to discourage us, and be equipped with the Spirit’s power. We must also be clothed in prayer—the ultimate protection. “Therefore take up the whole armor of God . . .” (Phil. 6:13).

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