
Image for Restored

As I was leaving the final session of camp meeting, someone called out, “Do you remember me?”
“Oh yes, give me a minute to come up with your name. I remember you from my biology class. It was probably 25 years ago. What a blessing to see you here!”
“Well, you know I was never baptized when I was young, but I was blessed to have my father baptize me in 2009.”
How well I remembered Monte. He was talented with a keen intellect, sometimes bored, always wanting to explore the boundaries. Pushing the limits eventually led him into addiction. He came close to graduating but could no longer focus. Satan claimed yet another young person raised in a loving Christian home. But I was so happy to learn that God, in His persistent, patient love, had drawn Monte’s heart back to Him.
During our summer travels I met another former student who struggled with substance abuse through both undergraduate and professional school. God also delivered him and drew him back.
God desires each of us to come home. Some know they are lost, others are entrapped in merit-based religions. Over two billion people have never heard the name of Jesus. We have the responsibility and the privilege of sharing the joy of the Gospel with them.
If we have been personally saved from the sins that entrapped us, we are called to help others escape their bondage. Monte clearly understands this and is now reaching out to friends still enslaved by addiction. Sin assails and impacts us all. The unique centerpiece of Christianity is the free gift of salvation offered to all. Who will accept this gift? How can you share the joy of the gift of salvation?
What barriers are preventing you from involvement in the Gospel commission? Complacency is a barrier for many. Our everyday routine easily consumes all our time and resources. What do you hear in a typical Sabbath potluck conversation? Are you analyzing the most recent challenges at your workplace? Are you reviewing all the obligations that will prevent you from helping with the upcoming evangelistic effort? Are you too busy keeping up with the latest sports events or consumer trends?
Fear is a major barrier for many people. There are financial uncertainties, fear that we don’t have the needed skills or knowledge, and fear of change. We fear the unknown, rejection by others, and separation from family.
Moses is a prime example of a reluctant leader. He presented a whole litany of excuses to God as to why he shouldn’t be the one to deliver Israel. He couldn’t speak well, the people wouldn’t believe him, Pharaoh wouldn’t believe him, it was a dangerous mission, and on and on. But God had an answer to each objection. When Moses finally went, he indeed faced some of the challenges he had foreseen. But using God’s method and cooperating with God’s leading and instruction, Moses helped lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
What is your part and responsibility in the Gospel commission? Are you ready to go home to heaven, or have you become comfortable here? What message and experience do you have to share? Can you tell the story of Jesus? If you are ready to see God overcome fear and part the waters for you, you can become a missionary. Why shouldn’t you go and tell unreached people how the Gospel gives you hope? Perhaps you cannot go, but you could support missions with your prayers and your means. Every AFM missionary is supported by ordinary people with extraordinary faith and passion to share God’s hope. Become involved and share the joy and peace Jesus offers to all!

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