Preaching Christ in South Africa

In March 2015, the whole Hope family traveled to South Africa with high hopes of bringing gospel hope to the people of the Cape of Good Hope. The event took place at Helderberg Adventist College. For me, it was a preaching marathon of 23 unique sermons in 30 days! After each message, Esther lifted hearts by singing powerful songs of appeal. We were happily surprised at how people responded to our family ministry, as Mr. Proclaimer and Brother Lion Tamer quoted Bible verses and whole chapters from memory night after night. Many people told us that the meetings had a great reviving power on their lives.

The little note pictured here was one of the highlights of my experience. “I would like to be born again? Can you maybe help me?” It was written by a beautiful 21 year old named Elaine whose friend invited her to our evangelistic series. Elaine, who attends a public university where she is studying to be a teacher, had never been to an Adventist church before. When she was just seven years old, her father was murdered in the racial conflicts during the turbulent birth of South Africa’s democratic republic. At the end of our meetings, Elaine made a firm and joyful decision to be baptized.

Having spent years working with the secular Turkish culture, preparing a unique set of messages to reach secularized South Africans was a pleasure for me. Years ago when I was pastoring in the States, I developed an evangelistic approach to reach secular people, and I was glad to finally get a chance to try it out. In that respect, it wasn’t too far from AFM’s specialty of presenting the full gospel message in tailor-made ways that overcome age-old cultural and socio-religious barriers. I used “the pursuit of joy” and “a life centered on love” as my central themes to teach the gospel and Adventism’s core truths.

Since becoming the Tentmaker Evangelism Coordinator for AFM last October, I have been invited to preach and seek out tentmakers in several far-flung places, including Germany, Brazil, South Africa and North Dakota. I tend to accept preaching invitations based on three criteria: A) Is there a way I can use the request to serve AFM’s overall goals? B) Does the invitation allow me to connect with potential tentmakers or those who can help build the tentmaker vision? C) Am I convicted that the effort will have a positive balance for the kingdom of God?

To be a good steward of our supporters’ gifts, I also ask that the inviting party pay my travel costs.

In these speaking engagements, whether I am fishing for tentmakers, AFM missionaries or simply for souls, I have decided that, like Paul, “I will know nothing but Christ and Him crucified” (I Cor. 2:2). My 10 years of mission service in Turkey has given me an immense admiration for Jesus and what he offers us through His blood. So it was that “Jesus” became the theme for our second challenge in South Africa, a camp meeting in the Cape area just after the main evangelistic series. The Holy Spirit came upon us all in great power. It was an unforgettable time of blessing. Yes, we found some couples interested in going as career missionaries and some very deeply committed saints interested in being tentmakers with GoTential.

I enjoy speaking about evangelism through tentmaking, as people can quickly see the logic and the great potential in the simple methodology. After I talk about tentmaking, spirit-filled entrepreneurs and gospel innovators always come up and introduce themselves, eager to tell me their unique adaptations of the tentmaking concept. For example, I was inspired to meet with a professional cricket player who converted to Adventism. His outlet for his fervent faith? Preaching to commuters on trains! Another had inspiring stories of being paid to give motivational health lectures at banks and then selling an assortment of message books to attendees. I am always inspired by such creative, earnest and faithful brothers and sisters!

To cap our time in South Africa, a kind South African family took us to a wildlife park where we saw lots of wild animals, including rhinos, elephants, lions and cheetahs.

We said goodbye to South Africa with many happy memories, new decisions for Christ, and a renewed sense that God has selected our family for this unique mission. Thank you for your prayers and support as GoTential continues to gain momentum, and God uses our talents to bring Hope to people of different lands.

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