Navee’s Story

“Before learning about Christ, I just tried to be a good person and avoid evil. I had heard that Jesus died and rose again, but I was confused until I met Philip Kiwi. He knew Muslim terminology. After just an hour with him, everything fell into place.

“I began to believe, and Jesus saved me from demonic harassment. My love for Him deepens every day. I still go to the mosque, but I pray to Jesus in my heart. As for my family, it is up to them whether they choose to believe. As Muslims, they respect Jesus. When they are in trouble or harassed by demons, I tell them they can call on Him. That is how He became real to me. There is no name with power like His.

“I praise God for giving me victory over smoking and drinking, but now I have no friends. My old buddies call me to go drinking with them, and they get angry when I say I don’t drink anymore. During the Khmer New year; thousands of trucks arrive full of alcohol. There is no end to it. And all my people smoke, even little Children. Philip said once, “In a mosque do they allow smoking? No. In heaven, do you think there will be smoking?” He told me the heart is like a temple of God.

“I fear for my family. They do good things to build merit, but when Jesus comes, He will say, ‘I never knew you.’ And all the while, He is very near ready to be found. They don’t have to look very far. Jesus is right here willing to reveal Himself. Some of our people are finding him through the Bible, some through telling, through dreams or being treated at a Christian clinic.”

Navee was planning to get baptized, but now he seems to be getting cold feet. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will impress him to take a stand for his Savior. —Joshua Hooker

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