Money Out, Money In

It had been a busy morning with many visitors, each wanting something. First the builders showed up asking for their pay, which was a reasonable request. Then a woman wanted a referral to the Christian hospital in the capital city. Her need was genuine, and we were happy to help her. Inspired by this success, she requested referrals for sister and daughter as well.

Then the bread lady showed up. She is nice, and we enjoy her bread, but she can be rather forceful in her efforts to sell to us. Before she left, one of the workers arrived and asked Adam to pick up some supplies from town.

When Adam got back, another man was waiting for him on our porch wanting a hospital referral for his niece. We are glad to send people to the Christian hospital, but each referral costs our project money, so we have to be careful how many we send.

After the man left, Adam climbed up the stairs into our house, his tired face dripping with perspiration. “Today it seems like everyone wants money or something that costs money,” he said to me. “They are all reasonable needs, but sometimes I just wish someone would come by to give us money for a change!”

About a minute later we heard a vehicle stop in front of our house. We looked out to see a man standing beside a motorbike that was pulling a small cart. It turned out that the man wanted to buy some bamboo from our bamboo patch, and he wanted to pay full price!

Adam helped the man get the bamboo loaded onto his cart, and then he rejoined me in the house. “Well, I guess God must have had fun with that!” He smiled. “Just when I was grumbling about giving money out, He sent someone to show me that He can give money when He wants to, and I shouldn’t complain!” We had a good chuckle and a prayer of praise for God’s perfectly timed reminder that He is the ultimate source of all we have.

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