
“Come in. Come in and sit down,” Philip said as Ali and his wife came to visit. I was busy teaching our children in a room under the house, but I knew the conversation was likely to turn to spiritual matters. Ever since Ali had read the Bible through in five weeks, he had been hungry to learn more. One reason we moved to another house in the village was to provide a bit more privacy to seekers like Ali. We wanted them to feel comfortable coming to us with their questions without the whole village knowing. But soon we realized our house wouldn’t be as private as we had hoped. Miyah, one of my village friends, is my house helper. She comes from one of the more faithful Muslim families. I soon realized everything that happens while she is working here would probably be public knowledge. That’s just the culture.

I came upstairs to see if Miyah needed anything. She told me Philip was showing Ali and his wife a story about Mary and Jesus on our computer. She could hear it clearly through the thin walls of the office. She said it was delicious to listen to.

As I went back to teaching my children, I kept thinking about Miyah and how she had used the word “delicious.” Jesus said to taste and see that the Lord is good. I wanted to invite her to watch the Jesus film in her own tongue, but I was hesitant. Her family was quite strict in their beliefs and practices. I didn’t want to close doors to further opportunities. But it wasn’t a secret now anyway. I might as well let her see what it was all about. Philip encouraged me to go ahead and ask her.

Sure enough, Miyah was eager to see the Jesus film. She said she wanted to know more about Jesus so she could teach her children. After she finished her work, we sat down together to watch it. She sat on the edge of her chair, at times gasping and exclaiming. She loved it! We watched only a little bit. I told her we would watch a little bit more every day, and she eagerly agreed.

That afternoon, Miyah’s husband and a friend came with her to see the film. The word was out! Philip showed them the first half. They discussed it as it played, often commenting that parts were wrong. While they watched, Philip and I prayed in the kitchen. We prayed they would see and hear only what the Spirit wanted them to see and hear. They left without making any comments to us. The next day when I asked Miyah if she wanted to see more, she told me she really had to get home. I knew what had happened. Her husband had come to review the film for her, and it had not met with his approval, so she wasn’t allowed.

Working with Muslim women can be a challenge when the men in their lives aren’t as enthusiastic as they are. Without the influence of her family, Miyah would probably gladly learn about and accept Jesus. But in her culture, family honor is the highest value. So when you pray for Miyah, pray for her whole family. Pray for the men of the family, that their hearts will be softened to the message of Jesus.

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