Miracle on the Lake

I experienced a miracle this summer while we were on furlough. We were invited to share testimonies of our Turkish mission at the beautiful Carolina camp meeting on Lake Junaluska.

One day, Esther and I went canoeing with our boys. We paddled around the lake for about an hour, and then storm clouds started rolling in. Brother Overboard really wanted to paddle, so I sat up on the back of the canoe and helped him. It began to rain as we neared shore, so we hurried to put away the canoe.

Suddenly, I realized my wallet was gone. I began searching everyone despite a growing realization that it was swimming somewhere in that big lake. It was now raining steadily, and the wind was rising. But I decided to take a kayak back out into the lake and look for a floating black leather wallet. It seemed an impossibility, but my wallet was so important for our travel that summer. I would soon need ID to board a plane.

Lake Junaluska is 5.8 square miles of water. As I paddled and looked, rain splashed down, and the wind roughened the surface of the water. After about 20 minutes in the middle of the Lake, I prayed aloud, “Jesus, You calmed the storm. You raised the dead. Jesus, You made the axe head float. Please bring me to that wallet or that wallet to me.” One minute later, to my astonishment, I saw a corner of my wallet sticking out of the water! I paddled over and grabbed it. Everything was still inside. It was a total miracle! I let out a shout to the Lord and paddled back to shore to give my prayerful wife and boys the amazing news. All praise to Jesus! He is so faithful and so near.

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