Miracle of Hearts

“No!” the till-now-adorable five-year-old girl yelled. “I don’t want to go. I want to stay here! I want to play with my new friends!”

My children and I were enjoying an outing to the playground. A little girl attached herself to my daughters and played gleefully with them until her mother called her and told her it was time to go. I couldn’t help feeling disappointed when she responded in such a headstrong, sassy way. She didn’t seem to realize or appreciate the privilege her mother had given her.

Then I couldn’t help remembering my reaction when the Lord called my heart to serve people without access to His Gospel of freedom. “No! I don’t want to go. I want to stay here! I want to be with my family and friends!” my heart argued with Him. I didn’t fully appreciate the blessings He had showered on my life. I wanted to share His blessings, but on my own terms and in my own comfort zone.

God is a great parent. His gentle leading has changed my heart. He has given me a strong desire to share His love to all, even when it means getting out of my comfort zone. He has changed my heart from rebellion to eager obedience. I call it a miracle of hearts.

I am so glad Jesus didn’t argue with His Father. His mission of sacrifice sprang from a willing heart—a heart so full of love for us that He volunteered eagerly to leave His paradise eagerly. It is His love that we want to share with the Great River People.

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