Ministering Day by Day

When we wake up each morning, we never know what the day will bring.

Things are extremely busy here. Living in the village makes communication difficult. Our Internet connection is sketchy, and few people here speak English. At the end of every day we feel like we have run a mental marathon. Often I have to make decisions knowing little of what is going on. It’s tough, especially for me, who prefers to have backup plans. It is good, though, to be learning to trust God in all things.

Last Sabbath, we spent the day caring for a lady with diabetes. Three of her toes were black with gangrene, and the infection had spread into the arch of her foot. The stench was so bad and I was so far out of my comfort zone that it took all my energy just to clean and bandage the foot. She went to the clinic today, and I haven’t yet heard how she is doing. 

You wouldn’t think diabetes would be a big issue in a country like this, but it is. When we talk to the village elders they say they can remember when there was no diabetes, before people started eating white rice. Now almost no one eats brown rice. Also, the people prefer meat to vegetables, so there is almost no fiber in their diets. Health education is greatly needed here!

Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the Great River people. We pray for everyone and think of you often.

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