Messy Church

I’m running out of friends with children I can bring and use as my excuse to come to Messy Church! Please, can I just come and be a helper?” pleaded Sharon. “I think what you’re doing is fantastic! I would like to be a part of it.”

I was already thrilled at having registered 15 new children from the community for the afternoon session, but my excitement levels rose still further as Sharon spoke with me. I began to realize just how much of an impact Messy Church was having on the surrounding community. I quickly motioned for Judy, one of the main organizers of Messy Church, to come and speak with Sharon while I continued to write out labels for the new children and their parents.

In January, I was asked if I would be willing to help with Messy Church. Although it takes a lot of energy, it is such a blessing to be involved. The third Sabbath of each month finds a large group of us preparing to welcome community families and some church families to a fun-filled afternoon of crafts, songs and Bible stories followed by a meal. The numbers have been steadily increasing (we now have an average of 150-200 attending) as families have discovered that coming to church is a pleasant experience. For many, this is their only church experience.

The program is designed to provide an opportunity for families to spend meaningful time together, so the parents stay with their children to help them with their crafts, join in the songs and stories and then enjoy a meal that has been prepared by a dedicated group of volunteers. Families enjoy this time so much that they often stay until well after 7 p.m.

“This is taking me well out of my comfort zone!” said one new mother who had been encouraged to come by a church member. I could see she was very much on edge, so I started chatting with her. Three hours later, she was all smiles as I asked her whether she had enjoyed the experience. “It was great!” she said.

“So, will you be coming next month?” I asked her.

“Definitely!” she replied.

“Hello! I haven’t seen you for a long time!” said an Indian lady as she grasped my hand. Her face looked familiar, and I tried hard to think where I had met her before. Then I saw her little girl and realized I had met them both when I was helping at one of the mother-and-toddler sessions run by the church during the week. She and her daughter had been new attendees at the toddler club, so I had spent a lot of time chatting with her and playing with the little girl. The mother-and-toddler group is made up almost entirely of non church members, and I enjoyed the few weeks I helped there before starting my current employment. Those attending the toddler group always receive an invitation to Messy Church, and it has been great to meet up with some of the moms and children again.

While I registered this lady, her 10-year-old son started browsing the little books I always have displayed on the desk. His eye caught the title of one book: Who is Jesus? “May I have this?” he asked.

“Sure,” I responded. “Just help yourself to whatever you’d like.”

“Why don’t you bring your grandson to Messy Church?” I suggested to Joanne as I chatted with her after church one Sabbath. Joanne recently started attending the Adventist church at the invitation of her niece who is a member. She has felt really welcome and is currently taking Bible studies in preparation for baptism. She brought her three-year-old grandson along to Messy Church. Although he felt rather overwhelmed by the number of children present, he did enjoy the singing.

Steve, who attends our small group Bible study in the week, sometimes brings his daughters to Messy Church and this gives me an added opportunity to chat with him outside of our group meeting.

In an interview aired recently on HopeTV (, our daughter Lynette shares about the joy she has felt as she has witnessed to others and seen the difference God makes in their lives. “I want to keep on experiencing this joy!” she states at the end of the interview. As I write this, I, too, have joy bubbling within me as I reflect on how good it is to be involved in personal outreach and ministry and to be able to share God’s blessings with others. Join in the joy!

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