Learning French

“This is how I put fuel into the cars of my children who are going to the mission field,” said the smiling elderly lady as she wrote out a check for more than $1,300 for our project. “We don’t go to the cinema, and we don’t eat much junk food, so we have some extra to support mission work.”

In order to learn French, we decided to take a trip to France over Easter vacation. When we contacted some friends and asked if we could stay with them, they asked if I would be one of the preachers in their annual camp meeting. They even wanted to pay for our plane tickets. Of course I agreed!

At the camp meeting, we experienced God’s presence in a special way. As I shared about the need for missionaries in Africa and around the world, it seemed angels were in the room with us. After showing pictures and telling stories from Benin, I asked if there was anybody there who would make a sincere commitment to pray for us regularly. Nearly 100 people stood to their feet! I’m sure Satan trembled as the church arose.

Several people pressed money into our hands, and others made commitments to support us monthly in addition to praying for us. One man had tears in his eyes as he told me everything I said that weekend had been just for him, and he renewed an old commitment to serve the Lord in Africa. Others encouraged us and promised to pray for us. Some are already making plans to visit us in Benin. Our mission “car” will travel far on the encouragement we received that weekend.

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