Just a Loaf of Bread

As far as your eyes can see…hot, dusty throngs of people move and swell. Not only are they hot and dusty, but they are hungry…really hungry! This hunger is unlike any hunger you have ever seen before. They are hungry for words of life. Nothing, not even the dusty heat, the loud rumbling of their children’s stomachs and the fast approach of evening, will stop them from their quest for this spiritual food. Glancing at Jesus, you notice He looks pale after a long day of teaching and healing.

“Jesus, you look tired. Tell them to go home now,” you whisper. “They haven’t had any food today…look, some might even faint!”

“And it’s going to be dark soon.” James says eyeballing the western horizon.

You glance at Peter and John who are nodding their assent. “I’ll tell you what, You just relax and let us disperse the crowd,” you tell Jesus’, expecting a grateful smile.

But Jesus suddenly seems animated with new strength as His eyes scan the mass of humanity. Gentle compassion fills His eyes. “Give them something to eat Andrew,” He says softly with authority emanating from His face.

You would have laughed at Jesus’ joke, except…it wasn’t a joke! “What??!!” you exclaim. “$20,000 wouldn’t even be enough to buy food for everyone!” What could Jesus want you to do? Desperately your eyes bounce around to the people standing nearest you, looking for a solution. No one has any food. Then from the corner of your eye you see a young lad wiggling his way through the crowd. He has a small lunch basket.

“Jesus can have my lunch,” he offers. “I’m not really hungry anyway.” You tousle the boy’s hair and then turn to Jesus with the food…five barley loaves and two small fish. “At least Jesus can satisfy His hunger”, you think.

“Tell the people to sit down in groups,” Jesus instructs you and His other disciples.

More puzzled than ever you do as instructed and then watch in amazement as Jesus asks a blessing on the food. Jesus thinks He can feed this seething crowd with a small boy’s lunch?? Maybe Jesus hasn’t had enough sleep lately; you need to get Him out of here before He embarrasses Himself…and you too! You are just about to intervene when Jesus hands you a loaf and some fishes, instructing you to take it to the people. You obey, sneaking a backwards glance. He is handing bread and fishes to all twelve of you! Hey, that is too many loaves and fishes! What is going on? That day you become part of a miracle…because you are where Jesus is. Though the small amount you have isn’t enough, you give it anyway in obedience to Jesus command. And that is the miracle. He takes your nothing and makes it everything!

I love the following passage: “Spiritual prosperity is closely bound up with Christian liberality…Would men make their property secure? Let them place it in the hands that bear the marks of the crucifixion. Would they enjoy their substance? Let them use it to bless the needy and suffering. Would they increase their possessions? Let them head the divine injunction, “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase: so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and they presses shall burst out with new wine.” Let them seek to retain their possessions for selfish purposes, and it will be to their eternal loss. But let their treasure be given to God, and from that moment it bears His inscription…“AA pg. 344,345

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