Introducing the Clay Family

Welcome to our lives. We’re glad you can spend some time with us. I want to introduce our family and give you a brief tour of our lives.

My name is Ruby. I was born and raised in the state of Maine. My family lived on an island in a small pond. My two older brothers and I grew up without electricity, running water or indoor plumbing. We enjoyed our childhood and the simple blessings that came with it. My parents fostered a love of God in us through their example. I have many fond memories of the wonderful experiences I shared with my family, including canoeing, swimming, ice skating and listening to loon calls as I fell asleep.

Adam was born in Rwanda, Africa, to missionary parents. His family moved back to the States when he was almost four, where his father became a pastor. He spent most of his growing-up years in the Carolinas. His mother spent a lot of time with him and his two younger sisters instilling in them a love of nature and service to others. His involvement in Pathfinders was an important element of his childhood and helped shape his interests and goals. He also has many great memories of childhood time with his family—swinging from tree branch to tree branch with his sister and sneaking peanut butter when he wasn’t supposed to.

Adam and I met in college at an after-school program where we worked together. God made it very clear to us and our families that He wanted us together. What a blessing for God to pick out your life partner! We were both in the education program and began teaching after we graduated. After our first child was born, however, I changed occupations and embarked on my dream of being a mother and homemaker. God has blessed us with three—soon to be four—beautiful children—Amber (almost 8), Pearl (6), Alex (2), and a little “Caboose” (to join us this month).

About five years ago, we moved to a country town in Tennessee where Adam has been teaching. We love it here. However, last year God started pulling our hearts in a new direction. He has made His call clear. He wants us to work with Him and AFM to reach The Great River People in Cambodia. We have been amazed and inspired by the ways He has led in moving the GRP Project forward. What a wonderful privilege God has given us, and each of you, to be part of His magnificent plan of salvation. It’s truly incredible to realize that He wants to use us to take His love to His children living in darkness. We are excited that He has a special place for our family to work for Him and a special people to serve. We open our hearts and lives to you and invite you to join us in the great adventure of answering His call.

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