What’s New?

As the New Year begins, many people like to make resolutions. Here are a few of our goals and expectations for this New Year:

Laughing at our mistakes and misunderstandings
Abiding in Christ for continued fruitfulness (John 15)
Utilizing new and unfamiliar kitchenware
Navigating seriously muddy roads
Crying as we bid farewell to our families and friends
Helping others see the beauty of Jesus
Involving our children in active ministry
Noticing the little blessings God gives each day
Giving grace to each other and those around us

Taking an airplane ride over the ocean (A first for Ruby & the kids)
Ordering food in a new language

Going to the local market and not knowing what to buy
Resting under a mosquito net
Experiencing new modes of travel
Accepting each new challenge with faith in God’s call
Training at AFM in Berrien Springs, Michigan

Riding past rice paddies
Investigating our new village
Visiting new friends nearly every day
Eating lots of rice
Returning to linguistic and cultural infancy

Picking mangoes from a tree
Experiencing moment-by-moment reliance on God
Observing monkeys in the wild
Practicing giving injections (to ourselves as well as others)
Learning Khmer
Earning the respect and trust of the Great River People

(Can you find the hidden goal?)

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