Successful Gardens

It’s the time of year when many families, including ours, are planting gardens. There are several elements necessary to have a successful garden: fertile soil, warm temperatures, long days, bright sunshine, gentle rain and quality seed.

Christ paints several word pictures comparing our spiritual duties and responsibilities to farming. Let’s focus on the seed.

In casting seed on the ground, the farmer seems to be throwing away precious grain that could be used to nourish his family. However, he is only giving up present good for a greater return. In the same way we, as Christ’s servants, must liberally sow Gospel seed expecting an abundant harvest.

For a while, the Gospel seed lies dormant in cold, hard, selfish heart, giving no evidence of life. Later, as the Spirit of God breathes on the soul, the hidden seed springs up, bearing fruit to the glory of God.

The question of what shall prosper and grow is not for us to decide. We are simply to do the work and leave the results with God. “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand” (Eccl. 11:6). God promises that “while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest . . . shall not cease” (Gen. 8:22).

With confidence in God’s promise, the farmer tills and sows. We should labor with no less confidence in our spiritual sowing. Trusting in God’s assurance, we go forward not just as missionaries abroad, but also in our support raising here on the home front. This promise in Ecclesiastes is a great encouragement as we press onward toward reaching the Great River People in Cambodia. We would be pleased to have you join us with your support as we go out to sow the Gospel seed, knowing God will bring a great harvest. —

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