Five Senses

God gave us five senses to help us experience His love for us. In the beginning, God created the Garden of Eden and filled it with incredible things for us to enjoy through our senses. After sin marred this perfection, God sent Jesus to demonstrate one of the greatest joys possible—sharing His love with others in a hands-on way.

The blind man felt the touch of Jesus’ hands and the cool moisture of the mud that Jesus placed on his eyes. The disciples tasted the delicious meal of fish Jesus prepared for them after a long night of fishing. The five thousand tasted the miraculously multiplied meal Jesus provided. Jesus waited until Lazarus stank before raising him from the dead so more people would believe. The disciples witnessed Jesus walking on the water and reaching out to save Peter from drowning. They heard him say to the storm, “Peace, be still,” and were awed by nature’s obedience. Zacchaeus saw Jesus stop beneath the sycamore tree and heard Him declare, “I’m coming to your house today.” Jesus continually demonstrated the Father’s love in tangible ways in order to meet people’s deep spiritual needs.

We want to help the Great River People see, hear, smell and feel God’s love. As they experience Him, He will meet their deep spiritual needs. I asked Hannah to come up with some ways we could do this. Here are some of her ideas:

Touch: sharing a fan during the hot season.

Taste: sharing a meal with a friend who does not have enough food.

Smell: giving a fragrant mango to somebody who is hungry.

Hear: tell a friend a story about Jesus.

See: bring flowers to sick friends and help them feel better.

How can you help someone experience God’s sense-ational love? —

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